Skydoms Wiki
energyActive Skills Icon captain skillCaptain Skills Icon passive skillPassive Skills
All Captain Skills Area Attack Attack Barrier Captain Swap
Counter Attack Defense Break Defense Up Fighters' Stats Boost Heal
Kamikaze Other Players' Stats Boost Piercing Attack Survive
Time To Move Gems
Name Description Fighters with Skill
Beast Power Time
3x Icon attack & Icon shield if all fighters are Icon skill beast Beast & more time to move gems Fighter 0616 thumb
Focus Power Time
3x Icon attack & Icon shield if all fighters are Icon skill focus Focus & more time to move gems Fighter 0612 thumb
Free Time
10 seconds more to move gems Fighter 0656 thumbFighter 0660 thumbFighter 0664 thumbFighter 0662 thumbFighter 0658 thumb
Gilgamesh Power
3.5x Icon attack on 7+ combos & more time to move gems Fighter 0589 thumb
Gilgamesh Strength
3x Icon attack on 7+ combos & more time to move gems Fighter 0588 thumb
Time Capsule
30 seconds more to move gems Fighter 0661 thumbFighter 0665 thumbFighter 0663 thumbFighter 0657 thumbFighter 0659 thumb